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简介八年级英语竞赛作文_八年级英语竞赛作文范文       大家好,今天我将为大家详细介绍八年级英语竞赛作文的问题。为了更好地呈现这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。1.���꼶Ӣ�ᄎ������2.假如你









       If one day, i see another "me", the cloned me, i would be really

       scared, because he may take over my life, like in the movies. So i will

       send him to some scientific facility and let the scientists to dissect

       him and see how is that possible. If we luckily find the solution this

       will be a great help for our human kind. And by the way, the definition

       of clone is an individual grown from a single somatic cell or cell

       nucleus and genetically identical to it. So it is impossible to see my

       clone identical to me right a way, because he would be a little baby.


       Once upon a time, there were two good friends in a forest, Tortoise and Rabbit. One day, they went out, Rabbit ran fast while Tortoise crawled forward hardly, after a while, Rabbit left far behind Tortoise. Looking at exhausted Rabbit, he could not help laughing at him: “hey, Tortoise, you are so poor, looking at me, I ran so fast”.

       “Yeah, you are right, yet I firmly figure that I can catch up with you if I always keep going” Tortoise replied with smile

       “You, catch up with me? When pigs fly” Rabbit laughed to tears.” “So confident, how about a race” he added.

       “Ok, that’s it.” Tortoise nodded.

       The news got across the whole forest quickly. Firstly, they could not believe tortoise’s decision - a self-killing. But they finally came for curiosity and joking.

       Monkey stood at the start line and announced “ready, go”.

       Rabbit shot out like an arrow with confidence, he smelt the flavor of flowers and heard the chirps of birds, and everything was perfect. At one moment, he suddenly realized he was in a race, but thought of Tortoise, smiles appeared in his face. Glanced back and saw the unthreatening move of Tortoise –step by step, slowly and heavily, He was much impatient and decided to have a doze for the moment.

       In the meantime, Tortoise was making all efforts to move on without a stop for fear of wasting one minute, held the breath and told to his heart “carry on ,carry on ,you can see the light at the end of the tunnel”. “Surprisingly, Rabbit is sleeping” Tortoises suddenly found and would have wakened him, but later Tortoise thought Rabbit was so conceited and did not respect the competitor in the race. Therefore Tortoise decided to give him a lesson and passed by.

       As rabbit came to awake, he felt refreshed, and rushed to the destination. Only to find Tortoise have been here and wore the garland. “No, no, how come, what happened, you must have made a mistake, and I run much faster than him” he yielded to the crowds. But his voice disappeared among the laughers of cheering the victory of Tortoise.

       I have heard the story for many times. Whenever I was swelled with pride for a little achievement, or I felt depressed for some failure. My mother would ask me “Honey, tortoise and Rabbit, which one do you want to be?”


       One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit's surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.


       We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

       Firstly, we should develop a good attitude toward life since life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit, such as going running, playing ball games, simply taking a walk after a day's study and so on. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.


       1. 英语歌会比赛后的感想作文400字



        最后决定挑一首“eenie meenie”。我想到了教我英语的姑姑,希望她能帮我们练习,哪里知道姑姑说她连听都没有听过。





2. 《小学英语比赛》观后感作文


        《小学英语比赛》观后感 今天上午我看电视时,看见了《“志鸿优化杯”小学生英语半决赛》,那里面的小学生真了不起,《小学英语比赛》观后感作文。其中,山东的王元博12岁,112分,得了最高分;江苏的刘雅冰14岁,110分,得了第二名;西安的沈晓清11岁,106分,得了第四名。她们英语比我好,但比我大一些。我最佩服广西桂林的唐钰,她107分得了第三名,她才7岁比我小,真了不起。她们可以用英语跟评委对话,还可以想出许多优美的词和句,把评委们打动,小学三年级作文《《小学英语比赛》观后感作文》。 她们什么英语都听得懂,像yellow、baby……。我刮目相看,目瞪口呆。她们的水平真是非同一般,有句话说的好:“天外有天,山外有山。”她们才华横溢,真叫人佩服。看到她们的成绩,我也想成为一名小英语演说家,但愿梦想成真。 长沙市砂子塘天华寄宿制学校 三(四)班 李雪瑶《小学英语比赛》观后感作文300字小学生作文(/)

3. 英语作文,对英语的感受和想法

        As a sophomore,I am feeling the time flies.Recalling about the past one year,so many thoughts are flooding in my mind.At this time,I just can't tell my real idea.The memory is just like so fresh,and all the things happened yesterday!

        When first day I came to University,I really feel that the school is very good,but at the first sight of the dormitory,something disappointing e up to me!The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room,no lavatory!I saw something sad in my father's eyes,maybe that time he thought of the poor condition!So with a big *** ile on my face,I told my father” it doesn't matter,Dad.In this kind of condition,I will get myself better!” My father felt better.But when he was ing back,seeing his back,I just wanted to cry!I felt in this city I was just isolated,from that time,I said to myself,“ you have no others who can help you here,just depend on yourself”

        And then I came to my dormitory 303.I considered that I would spend four years here (in fact I moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there.Most of them came from Sichuan and they were chatting with a happy voice,but I can't understand them!Again,I felt myself isolated!I hated that kind of feeling,and then I said to hello to them!To my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted!I no longer felt afraid.And I got along well with them.But at the first night here,I burst out to tears for that I was missing my family.I don't know why.Everyday when I was at home,I was just eager to go to school,to experience the wonderful college life but when ing here,I am just eager to go back!It's quite strange though,you must know this kind of feeling


4. 英语趣味竞赛观后感作文








5. 奥运会的感想用英语作文怎么写



        The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing's successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap beeen a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap. 首先,在所有亟待解决的问题中,跨越英语口语这一难关至关重要。学会一门语言的关键在于坚持不懈。

        我们到能不能做到让大多数国人在2008年到来之前都学会说英语?这一问题需要我们不断努力和尝试。 First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it's not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008? It needs us to try and practice very hard. 其次,交通拥挤一直是困扰北京的老大难问题。


        所以,我们必须致力于建设绿色奥运这一目标。 Second, traffic jams have been an age-old headache in Beijing, the scenes of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark fumes into the air had given all of us a really bad impression, and I know that none of us wish to show off that side of Beijing to athletes and journalists over the world, it would blemish the city's image and leave a bad reputation. So we have to work real hard on Green Olympics. 还有,为了各项工作的顺利实施,一个高瞻远瞩的整体城市规划必不可少。


        要做到以上几点,北京应该听取得来自一流建筑师的建议并作出整体规划。 Thirdly, to add enchantment to convenience, an over-all city planning is indispensable. If time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristics, blending oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower a lot among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan. 尽管如此,要实现全世界对北京的期盼,北京还有许许多多工作要做。



        今天,我们还没有做好准备,但在2008年到来之前我们一定会准备好! Even though, Beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level that the world expects, but we have the confidence to make Beijing a brand new city by the year 2008. Huge changes are taking places, and not far in the future, Beijing will be the focus of all worlds' attention. The world trusts Beijing and that's why Beijing won the bid. We will grasp this opportunity and do our best. We are not yet ready but we will be by the year 2008. 让我们一起祝福北京祝福2008年北京奥运会吧!谢谢! Let's all wish the best for the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. Thanks for your listening。

6. 学英语的感想作文






7. 我的英语学习感想作文中文100字









8. 学习英语的感想 英语作文

        We are all learning English, a little, a lot, sometimes, every day. Why do we all learn it? It is likely that we do not need it. Why? Because it is not very useful! When I go shopping at Wal-mart, I do not need English. When I go to McDonald's, I do not need English. When I go to KFC, I do not need English. Why do we learn it? We need it for tests, and tests only. Do I want to go to college? Yes, I do. Do I need English to go to college? No, I don't. Why do I have to take a test in English, if my tests in Chinese are OK? I don't know. When I am asked to write some English, I cannot. When I am asked to speak English to an Englishman or an Englishwoman, I cannot. Why do I have to learn English when I cannot use it? Because we all need to use English to review our Chinese! We turn English into Chinese, that is reviewing Chinese. When we read English, we cannot think in English, but only in Chinese. That is, again, reviewing Chinese. Why do we use English to review Chinese, all the time? I really don't know.。

9. 谈谈你对学习英语的感受 英语作文







        Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to commemorate one of ancient China during the great poet - Qu Yuan established.

        I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Wai was packed, and I saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. This position clear at a glance down the entire river.

        Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the forward, every boat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut rice dumplings thrown into the water the next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1st minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van

        Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediately followed by the rhythm of the : Thunk! Thunk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho , seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Voice! Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water!

        Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Gradually, gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the!

        Dragon-boat race is a fierce competition ah!


        Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.

        It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.

        People play on the day.

        Boat looks like a dragon.

        Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.

        Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.



        “Dragon boat racing is an indispensable(不可或缺的`) part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid(迅速的,急促的) drums(鼓,击鼓), speeding toward their destination.
