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简介学会父母沟通作文_学会父母沟通作文600字 大家好,今天我将为大家介绍一下关于学会父母沟通作文的问题。为了更好地理解这个问题,我对相关资料进行了归纳整理,现在让我们一起来看看
父母是最早与我们沟通的亲人,不管什么时候,我们都要记得跟父母多多沟通,下面是与父母沟通的作文,欢迎大家阅读! 与父母沟通的英语作文1Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents he only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids.
However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips:
Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name.
Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children he to listen...they like this.
Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size.
Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends.
Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants.
Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you."
Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough.
Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to.
Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids.
All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sor
与父母沟通的英语作文2:如何与父母沟通Nowadays,students can not communicate with parents well.Many students think It's hard to talk with their parents.How to communicate with our parents?Here are some suggestions.First,try to talk to your parents politely,or they will not feel like to talk to you.Second,try to think about your parents more,so you will find that you can understand them.Also ,do not forget to care your parents,they will be pleased if you do that and they will be hy to listen to you too.If you feel hard to commuicate with them, you can tell your parents about this situation,maybe they will think about themselves and try to understand you.By doing these things,you can talk to your parents more easily.
与父母沟通的英语作文3:该不该和父母沟通survey: Half of the children experience something hy or not hy, they are most willing to share the objects are friends rather than parents with high school students already he a strong independent self-consciousness is very much related, while , had to admit that between parents and children are not smooth communication, are blocking the minds of the children to speak out.
Options in second place is the "keep our noses did not say" (17%), followed by "Parents can be" (13%). Shows that more children would prefer to simmer in silence rather than tell their parents. Such data are also warning us that the hearts of children and parents, between the doors are closed. Experts he pointed out, the children enter adolescence, their sense of independence and self-consciousness is increasing, they are more willing than the child to communicate with their peers, but when they encounter difficulties often find their most trusted to communicate, this survey The data show that parents trust their children is declining.
This distrust can be found in the survey are also reasons for the survey when asked "parents sneaking a peek at your diary, mobile phone-like privacy?" 24% of the child's answer is "sometimes seen", 7% of the the child said, "has always been like this," only 43% of the respondents felt that their parents, "I've never seen." Near Liu Cheng children and their parents exists between the different levels of distrust, which is probably what parents of children in front of one of the reasons the door closed body center bar.
与父母沟通的英语作文4Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Communicate Effectively.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.
1.The importance of effective communication.
2.How to communicate effectively.
3.How do you communicate with people?
How to Communicate Effectively
Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.
Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and reciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others.
作者:北港小学 504班彭奕
#中考# 导语 整理了中考优秀作文范文1000字,大家可以看看优秀作文都是怎么写的,和自己的作文对比一下,看看思路和遣词造句上的不同都在哪里,在平常多加以练习,一定能在作文上有大的突破!
篇一中考优秀作文范文1000字 父母与我们是两代人。他们生活的年代与我们生活的这个时代大不相同,于是两代人之间就难免会有隔阂。老一辈常说,他们小时候拿10元钱可以买很多东西,但对于我们现在来说,10元钱已经很少了,也许只是一个笔记本,一套尺子的价钱。 我们与父母之间就像隔了一条江河,虽然看起来很难到达彼岸,但只要从中架起一座桥梁就可以了。而这架桥就是沟通。我们不能因为与父母很难沟通,就远离父母。这样会使父母难过,也会让亲情与我们远去。所以我们要走进父母,亲近父母。当然,沟通也是讲方法的。 方法一:赞赏父母,在赞赏中增进亲情。不只有我们需要表扬,父母也是需要的。不要认为父母做什么都是理所应当的,不需要赞扬。赞赏父母其实是一件非常简单的事。吃饭时,说一句:“妈妈,今天做的饭真好吃!”一句简单的话,就可以让父母感到温暖开心,就可以增进我们的亲情。 方法二:认真聆听,在聆听中获得教益。“路上小心点”“多穿点衣服”……这些明明是关心的话语,但因为常听到,我们都渐渐忽视,甚至认为很烦。其实,认真去聆听去品味这一句句关心的话语,是如此的温暖。还有父母提醒我们要把东西收好,我们一般只有在忘带东西时才会想到。其实,好好聆听,用心聆听,我们会从父母的话中学会很多道理。 方法三:帮助父母,用行动感动亲人。父母为我们做了很多,但仔细想想,我们好似没有为父母做过什么,而且父母让我们帮助时也要看心情。我们都知道这是不对的。想要与父母关系和谐,其实很简单。平时,我们可以帮父母做一些家务事,节日时送给父母美好的祝福……就是这些简单的行为,总能让父母感动,让我们与父母之间的感情更加亲密。 与父母沟通是一种艺术。不论是语言,还是行动,只要我们掌握了这些沟通的方法,我们一定可以和父母友好相处。 篇二中考优秀作文范文1000字 家人因为沟通,相亲相爱;伙伴因为沟通,亲如手足;师生因为沟通,相互理解;人们因为沟通,彼此和睦相处……可见,沟通是人与人之间的桥梁,正因为有沟通,世上才会变得如此美丽。沟通是人类交往的途径,沟通使彼此之间更和睦。 上了中学,我的语言不像小时候那么多了。每次心中有烦恼,我都不想说,宁愿埋藏在心中。随着我的长大,我和妈妈的沟通少了,好像我和妈妈变得陌生想来,觉得自己已经不再是妈妈以前的乖乖女。我没那么听话了,每次妈妈说了令我不开心的话,我不由自主地顶撞。当时觉得不服气,后来一想,是我伤了妈妈的心,我一个人在房间里痛哭,嘴里默念着:“妈妈,对不起!”这句话我独自说了上百上千遍,我才觉得心里好受些,但我始终没有对妈妈说出口。 起先,我以为妈妈生气了,从此不再理我了。人们都说“子女是父母和希望”,我听到这句话感到惭愧极了。我觉得是父母给了我希望,而我有时去令他们失望。妈妈,我从小就很听您的话,就在那次我顶撞了您,您一定觉得很难过、伤心了吧。妈妈,您放心,我从现在一定会听您的话!我妈妈晚上下班回到家,妈妈总会累得腰酸背痛,我的泪水就在眼眶里不由地流出来,我忍住了。我笑着跑过去,说:“妈妈,我帮你捶捶背,您坐在这里休息一下。”妈妈说:“还是女儿最贴心!”我看妈妈头有一根白头发,我震惊了,妈妈为了我们日夜操劳,我的泪水只能住肚子里咽,我好难受。 现在我理解妈妈了,我有了心事就跟妈妈说,和妈妈一起解决,时间长了,反而我觉得妈妈才是我的依靠。妈妈的爱是伟大的,她为了子女而奋斗一生。我不由得想起了《世上只有妈妈好》这一首歌,这首歌满了爱的滋味。 沟通,使我和妈妈由不解而变得亲切。沟通,永远是解决问题的的方式。 篇三中考优秀作文范文1000字 时间像一条缓缓流淌的小溪,我随它自由飘荡,沿途中,花香四溢,流水潺潺。而您静立在岸边,仿佛一棵屈曲盘旋的老树,庇护着他的孩子,流露出骄傲的神情,看着我渐渐长大。 夜已深了,狂风在窗外无情地呼啸着,仿佛要吃掉我似的,坐在屋内的我,忙了一晚上的作业后,无精打地倚在书桌前,六神无主地望着那块褪色的手表,手里断断续续地转动着笔杆,叹了一口气:“都十点了,我爸怎么还不回来?” “早知道就不让爸爸帮我买作业本了,都这么晚了,不会又忘了吧?” 我心中正忐忑着,突然,一阵清脆的门铃声打乱了我的思绪,我三步并两步冲出门外,迎面而来的是爸爸,只见他一脸疲惫,神色黯淡,还夹杂着浓浓的酒味,两手空空的,我心里一阵失望,沮丧地转过身去,嘴里嘟囔着:“不是说好给我买本子吗?我明天要用呢!” 我躺在床上,久久不能平息心中的郁闷。我望着窗外的夜空,月亮被乌云遮得严严实实,厚重的云层仿佛伸手一动就会落下倾盆大雨。 我怨恨父亲为何不守信用,近些日子,嗜酒越来越严重,回家也不跟我说话,沟通越来越少,他是不是不爱我了? 迷迷糊糊中,门开了,父亲悄悄地探进头来,满脸讪讪的微笑,手里拿着我正需要的作业本,还有我最喜欢吃的一大包零食,长舒了一口气说:“附近的超市都关门了,幸亏我找到了一家还没关门的。”接过他手里的东西,才发现父亲的衣服是湿的。我顿时说不出话来,推开窗,发觉外面不知什么时候已经下起了雨。我意识到刚才的自己有点傻,泪水一下子从眼眶里涌了出来。 我真的错怪了父亲,父亲还是原来的父亲!泪水中,父亲那被雨滴打湿了的身躯,那本数学本子,我喜欢吃的零食一一浮现在我眼前。父亲每天忙于工作,忙于应酬,两鬓过早的染上了白发,可他还是一样爱我。我不禁愧疚:我与父亲之间的沟通太少了啊!我需要回报父亲的爱还有太多太多……这一刻,我才真正读懂了父爱。 静静地躺在床上,耳边回响起《父亲》那首荡气回肠的歌:“时光时光慢些吧,不要再让你变老了,我愿用我的一切换你的岁月常留……” 耐心和父母沟通,以下是我整理的有关与父母沟通的建议 英语 作文 ,欢迎大家阅读。?
Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the to tpic How to Communicate Effectively.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.
1.The importance of effective communication.
2.How to communicate effectively.
3.How do you communicate with people?
How to Communicate Effectively
Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.
Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and reciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others.
As far as I'm concerned,I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not.And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely.
Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents he only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids.
However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips:
Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name.
Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children he to listen...they like this.
Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size.
Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends.
Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants.
Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you."
Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough.
Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to.
Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids.
All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sorrows.
Nowadays,students can not communicate with parents well.Many students think It's hard to talk with their parents.How to communicate with our parents?Here are some suggestions.First,try to talk to your parents politely,or they will not feel like to talk to you.Second,try to think about your parents more,so you will find that you can understand them.Also ,do not forget to care your parents,they will be pleased if you do that and they will be hy to listen to you too.If you feel hard to commuicate with them, you can tell your parents about this situation,maybe they will think about themselves and try to understand you.By doing these things,you can talk to your parents more easily.